Please read before submitting

Closing date: Midnight, Friday 31 July 2020  GMT. Early submissions are appreciated
Theme: Resilience.
Submissions can be based on historic events, or entirely fictional but must be set in the Forest of Dean district including the Wye Valley.
Eligibility: Residents, or those with close connections to, the Forest of Dean and Wye Valley. Open to all ages. We also welcome collaborative submissions from families.
Prose – max length for adults and family submissions 1500 words. For young people individual submissions, up to age 16, max length 500 words. No mimimum word length and shorter pieces are welcome.
Poems – no longer than 40 lines. Again, shorter pieces such as haiku are welcome.
Include a title (not included in word count). The title must NOT be Resilience.
Electronic copies only. In doc, docx format only. Times New Roman, 12 pt font, double or 1.5 spaced.
Include your name and the title of your piece at the top of each page and number your pages. Young people up to age 16 should include their age in their submission. The age will not be published. For family submissions please tell us who contributed and the ages of those under 16. Again, the ages will not be published.
You may submit up to a maximum of four pieces. Previously published pieces are welcome.

Submissions should be emailed to:  [email protected]

Submission does not guarantee inclusion in the final publication.
The editors’ decision on what is included is final.
The editors reserve the right to edit your submission, if selected, but will require your permission for final changes before publication. The editors reserve the right to withdraw the submission from selection if agreement on editorial changes cannot be reached.
While the copyright of the work remains with the author, the editors reserve the right to use the published works/parts of the published works to market the anthology.
Please note payments will not be made for selected submissions. All submissions will be acknowledged.

By submitting to the anthology you agree to the above terms.