On Tuesday 12 December at an event hosted by Rotary at Forest Hills Golf Club, we were thrilled to announce the Royal Forest of Dean Rotary competition 2023 winners of the short story competition.
The prizes and certificates were presented by Chair of Dean Scribblers and Vice Lord Lieutenant of Gloucestershire, Roger Deeks.
Each longlisted entrant also received a copy of the anthology containing their story. Money raised from sales to generous parents will go towards funding future competitions.

Category age 7 – 10 years
Winner: Seren Richfield with
The Day it all Changed (Family ticket to Clearwell Caves Christmas Display)
Judges’ comments:
The bookend structure of The Day it All Changed with its last minute twist was a great example of how short stories provide just enough detail for the audience to see the rest of the story
in their minds.
Second prize: George England with Keep Moving (£50 book tokens)
Third prize: Grace Empett with Magdon Heights (£30 book tokens)

Category age 11 – 14 years
Winner: Kimberley Bandy with
The Bird Revolution (Family ticket to Clearwell Caves Christmas Display)
Judges’ comments:
The Bird Revolution was an incredibly
entertaining story for children with lovable characters, about the
virtues of teamwork and kindness respectively.
Second prize: Lucibella Marley May Smith with The Spiral Stone (£50 book tokens)
Third prize: Kaiden Krasuski with Lost Souls of the Broken Chapel (£30 book tokens)

Category age 15 – 18 years
Winner: Jenny Compton with
Labyrinthine Whispers (£100 cash)
Judges’ comments:
A dark and mature theme
and plot, ghost story Labyrinthine Whispers was notable for its stand-out vocabulary and turns of phrase.
Second prize: Shayna Trim with Lost to Time (£75 cash)
Third prize: Caitlyn Prynn with A lone wandering mind (£50 cash)
Huge thanks to Rotary for their generous sponsorship, and to team members Mark Yonge (Rotary), and Ben Berry, Phil Jones and Cheryl Mayo of Dean Scribblers and Dean Writers Circle.